Today Paps took me to the lake. By the way, I'm Jackson. Jackson McFee to be exact. Paps is so fun! He takes me places and to do stuff only papa can do! All my friends at school think I'm so lucky but they don't know the secrets that i'm keeping from everybody. None of my friends know that I'm really adopted. Well kinda. Paps is my real grandfather. Mama is Paps real STEP daughter. So she's not my real mama. Papa is not my real papa though. He is Mama's husband. Papa died before I was born. We were driving t the hospital, and papa got out to check the tires because mama said that she heard something so that she'd rather have me in the car than die before we even got to the hospital. When papa got out.... a big truck came and the driver was an under aged teenager. The child couldn't see through the window. So when he got closer, he couldn't see papa. So papa died right there and I was born in the car. I miss papa a lot. Even though I never saw him, I feel like I knew him. So today when Paps took me to the lake, we had a lot of fun. But when we got home, papa was very mean. Paps jumped to my aid as soon as papa set into me. He said I should have been home, like a normal twelve year old, doing my chores, then going out to play football with the other boys. I told him that I don't like football, and none of the other boys would ever, ever let me play football with them. That they don't like me, and I'm ok with that. He said that that is going to change soon. He told me that if my chores aren't done by noon, he wouldn't let me ,go out with Paps for two weeks. Paps said that that wasn't a fair punishment. It was punishing him, to. Papa said that that was rubbish, a grown man can occupy him self for just two weeks, besides the punishment would be over by summer break. Plus that we don't know if I'll get my chores done or not. Paps said that he would mow the lawn, that way I was for sure to get my chores done. I finished the rest of my chores quickly, and went back to papa. He said that he knew something was up, but he couldn't put his finger on it. I told him that nothing was up, that I was just fast at my chores. Of course papa didn't believe me. It's sooo infuriating! I hate how he doesn't trust me, or mama or Paps! I hate how he hurts mama, but she says that as soon as we can, well all run away from him. Paps said we could wait till he dies, because he's not running away from no husband of hers. He said he's not afraid of nobody, except God. Even though Paps is American/Jewish he only believes in God. Not the gods the jews made up. It infuriates me too, that Paps has to hide his religion, and sometimes I do too. Paps took me to the tavern, where the adults have drinks almost like a bar, but you only get beer here. Sometimes papa says, that the drinks are paid for for the regulars, but not him. (I don't believe him at all once I was sick and mama didn't tell him I heard him say "I love being blue to go to the tavern without my nosy, stupid family knowing" I started hating him that day, I told mama and that's when she decided we would run away soon. She said today that we would run away very very soon. I was so happy, that I told papa that I would tell him that I would mow the lawn every day this week for him, he got so mad because he thought that I was just trying to show off. I said that I was just happy, that I didn't want to try to show off, and why would I need to show off to him? I already saw him every day. Friday came finally, and mama said we would run away, Paps said that he wouldn't go, either way. Mama finally talked him into coming, because papa would get where we would go, and paps doesn't like being pestered. Mama knew that this was what would happen, and Paps knew it too. Papa was at the tavern he said he would stay the night. Because of a dare from his friend. Mama gathered almost all our clothes in one medium sized bag. In another bag, we put a lot of food in it. We put some water in it, no soda or juice. We could drink water from the rivers and lakes. I was happy to get away from papa, but I was sad that now I'd have no papa. I hope that mama will find another husband soon. A boy really needs a papa. I'm just glad that Paps came. I'm so happy that mama knows how to sweet talk him, and that she knew how much I loved Paps. We went to the lake with our canteens and we scooped some more water since I had dranken  mine already and mama was almost out but Paps didn't drink any. He said we had to "preserve our resources" I have no idea what that means. I  started a fire, then Paps started another near where we would hide for that night. If papa found us, then he would turn us into his slaves, not his family. Mama would be a widow, Paps would be a elderly servant, and I would be just a poor child serving as a servant. I was so scared papa would find us, and hit us even more. Papa already hits me very, very hard every time that I go out with Paps. mama gets so mad, she can hardly stand it. Papa says that I need to be disciplined, so that being hit a few times wouldn't hurt me. So mama just, ran away, scared of what he might do to her if he would hurt me so badly. It's ok I don't blame her, I would too. Mama is a good person, but she's very scared of papa. I heard mama scream then I blacked out. Part 2 coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!) - Cici

Part Two; Cici's Story
      When I woke, I heard screaming still. I figured it was about an hour later so I got up and looked around. Mama was screaming for help. She was fighting someone...... mamby papa. Paps was lieing still near a tree. I went over to him and asked him if he was O.K. he said he had been knocked out. But that he was fine. We got up and both grabbed strong, thick branches. We looked at each other and nodded. we snuck up behind the attacker and we hit him/her with our branches. They had been knocked out. Short part 2, I knoe Srry!!!!!!!