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Friday, August 23, 2013


So I was browsing through my like 100 gillion blogs and saw Aj warp!
Its been so long guys.
I barely know anything about aj anymore, since I sort of kind of quit due to dramatic issues and computer time limits.
I manage to get on in the morning though, and If you want me to keep posting- Ill try my best.

BTW I love you all<3

So this may be old news,
I think there trying to go for a school theme here.

Because I have school in four days,
Only four days till I start highschool! Talk about nerve-racking!

Also, Im a nm now. Its actually not as bad as I thought itd be. In fact- I like it. Reminds me of when I first joined<3  But when I want something, its not as fun,
See that shelf up there? I have one in my real room JUST like it! I was all..
" AH! " Must have!  Then I saw that EVIL members sighn..... ~snarl~

Oh well, I'll be fine XD

So yeah, hope you want me to keep posting- Just comment: Yes er Naaa.

Bye beautifuls!



  1. It must have been a year O.O I'm an idiot.

  2. Omg!!! UNIQUE Ish meh ccc12345! I miss u so much. My friend nuttyness (u might remember her) has become friends with this youtuber xstarryyukichanx. Ik u used to kinda be one of those people, but shes REALLY STUCK UP. I kinda miss hangin out with that kinda crowd. Its kinda weird now. I go into this place with people who kiss up to the youtuber and im all in the back with mai sombrero o.o Its awkward. Anyway i miss u so much! ~ccc12345

    1. btw not saying that ur stuck up. i meant that u were one of those ppl with a blog and stuff.


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